Charity number 1185310 Registered September 2019
'Music in the Ville brings us light
We feel better, different, like normal people'
ELMO's current project is Music in the Ville, bringing professional musicians of all genres into HMP Pentonville to perform and to run workshops and open mic sessions on the wings
"Really needed this in a stressful environment"
How did ELMO start?
Music breaks down barriers and brings hope in the most challenging atmosphere
Emma Dogliani
ELMO is interested in involving all in quality live music – we work with a range of musicians (for instance by combining opera with rappers) and actively cast our performers from diverse community backgrounds. Music in the Ville is bringing creative opportunities to men living in prison and building bridges between the men themselves and the staff working with them.
Music in the Ville 2024
is currently being supported by an HMPPS small grant and funding from the Hilden Charitable Foundation
ELMO is delighted to announce that Music in the Ville has received grant funding from The National Lottery to enable the continuation of its music activities in HMP Pentonville this year. We would like to take this opportunity thank the players of The National Lottery for their support.
ELMO is also thrilled to announce that Music in the Ville has received grant funding from Postcode Society Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
Emma Dogliani, Director of ELMO said, "This is fantastic news, after a long period of Covid-related interruptions, we can confidently schedule our music activities to support prisoner wellbeing and lift the prison community."